30 Years Experience as a Trial Attorney
Daniel Guttmann as litigated thousands of cases. A seasoned trial attorney who has tried serious personal injury and accident cases, contested divorce actions, custody trials, support trials, homicides, tape, felony narcotics, kidnapping, felony assaults, robberies, landlord/tenant and civil litigation.
Guttmann & Kellner, PC: 1994 - Present. Founding member of firm.
Law Office of Daniel Guttmann: 1989 - 1994
Office of Queens County District Attorney: 1986 - 1989
Position: Assistant District Attorney assigned to the following Bureaus:
Supervisor of District Attorney’s Narcotic Plea Part
Supervisor Criminal Intake Bureau
Grand Jury Bureau
Rackets and Economic Crimes Bureau
Criminal Court Bureau
Appeals Bureau
Appointed Positions:
Nassau County District Court Arbitrator 1990- Present
Suffolk County District Court Arbitrator 1990- Present
Assigned Counsel Panels Appointments:
Suffolk County Assigned Counsel: Homicide, Felony and Appellate Panels 1990-present
Queens County Assigned Counsel: Felony, Appellate Panels 1989-Present
Suffolk County Assigned Counsel Family Court Panel 1990-present
Bar Admissions
New York, Appellate Division Second Department, 1987
United States District Court Eastern District of New York
United States District Court Southern District of New York
SUNY at Buffalo School of Law, 1986 J.D.
CUNY at Queens College, 1983 B.A.
(631) 360-2175